Ultramar successfully launched its first Mentoring Program
A principios de julio, lanzamos el primer Programa de Mentoring de Ultramar, diseñado para potenciar
Over the years, Ultramar has expanded into other complementary business areas, seeking to be a reference with significant presence in America, Northern Europe and Asia.
Check out our video spot that summarizes who we are.
Units and participation in multiple markets.
To contribute to people’s quality of life through the development of foreign trade.
We work with excelencia, integridad, seguridad y pasión.
These are the values that guide our actions.
We are characterized by putting sustainability at the center, aspiring to be an efficient, profitable business in balance with society and the care of the ecosystem.
We work to build relationships that consolidate our hallmark of being "A partner you can trust"
A principios de julio, lanzamos el primer Programa de Mentoring de Ultramar, diseñado para potenciar
Bajo el título “Conversaciones que Transforman”, se llevó a cabo con gran éxito un Conversatorio
Un total de 10 colaboradores, provenientes de Ultramar Agencia, UASL, TPC y Puerto Angamos en
El Bosque Norte 500, Piso 18 / Las Condes – Santiago – Chile
Phone +56 2 2630 1800